In Darkness and Light …

It’s not news anymore that LA is on fire…

It’s not news anymore how deep my heart lies in LA…

Life is so ironic.

Sometimes the irony is funny, and a lot of times, it’s confusing.

Maybe some want a few more details… but I’m leaving the rest of that “here.”

Where there is darkness, there is light.

And where there is light, there is forgotten darkness.

I guarantee, unless hiding from it, no one notices the shadows on a sunny day.

But, it’s funny how we notice the stars in the darkest nights.

How easy we take for granted the days we are well, yet long for health every day we feel ill.

Never ask for tough lessons, yet beg for forgiveness..,

I have a lot to say and yet still find it difficult to find the words to describe this “era.”

But yet what remains is my gratitude.

I’ve always been grateful…

I’ve always been humble.

I’ve always felt deeply and deeply observed every centimeter of my world.

The only consistency there is, is the constant duality in it all.

I don’t need to know why. I just know what is.

And with that I can decide what is next.

Taking a step forward everyday.

In observation of the nights who shine in the day.


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