Art Life; Motivational Mondays…

(Ever wonder what the Latin default texts mean?) 

After about a year of consistent art shows, and working a full time corporate job in a completely different industry..

I wanted to give an update to those who follow to learn more about getting started as a new artist. 

It’s definitely a challenge but challenge accepted. 

I invested a lot of time and money into the booth to make sure it matched the aesthetic of my brand. Every show/event will teach more and more about how to improve set up, sales, growth, new designs, new art etc. 

I met so many amazing people, both customers, and vendors. It feels like a whole new world has “unlocked”. 

I’m still excited to keep growing and plan on creating more art, refining my style, exploring new styles and continuing to vend at more events. 

(If anything, I feel like I’m just getting started)

I get new ideas from being inspired by other booth lay outs but also, customers suggest so many things!

Some have told me how much they love certain pieces I’ve created, which has inspired me to keep moving in the directions they’re admired. 

I’ve learned new “best sellers” and others, that I thought would take off, weren’t as popular, but it didn’t matter because I loved creating all of it, and I’m happy to see how others love my art too! 

I’ve been asked frequently if I have schizophrenia

And while I find it amusing that some find my expressions to be psychologically disturbed, I am actually not schizophrenic, nor do I hear voices etc. 

A lot of my pieces are inspired by emotions I’ve felt over time, through life experiences, my studies, such as world religion & the occult, and just my overall observations of watching others progress through life, as I walk my journey. 

I like to emphasize the dark, since I find most people avoid it, but I also like to incorporate a lot of light, such as “Happy Mondays” because I don’t think you can have light without shadows, nor can you see in the dark without the moon, sun, or stars. 

I like to embrace the duality of life. Though this last year has been more heavily focused on the darker, demonic side of art, I’m working on a few pieces that will really bring the balance of both to the viewer.  

While painting, drawing, and digitally creating art are the focus, there are so many other parts to becoming an artist. 

For me, it’s the booth, the events, juggling work, home, family, and fun, and also creating content for viewers on social media to keep up with the latest moments. 

Not to mention, upkeep of the website. 

I don’t know if there is a magic button to become viral on social media, but I do know that posting consistently and making your products accessible, are key to exposing your art, and sharing it with the world. 

My main goal as artist was to share my creations with the world, sharing my perspective of appreciating the duality of life, and hoping another soul enjoys my vision. 

I created jewelry because I just love creating and they are all things I would wear and buy. 

My new venture is creating masks, because like duality, I think we all wear different masks for the world. They seem like they are separate from us, but in fact, they are all parts of our entire persona, but we choose, like outfits, when to put them on. 

But at the end of the day, like skirts, and good shoes, we chose to keep them in our closets and use them at the appropriate times. 

Being a darker artist who works in a conventional corporate career as well, I’ve learned how to use different parts of my “masks” or persona, to make my worlds work in unison. 

I cannot have one without the other at this time, but I enjoy the shifting of foci as the days go on. 

I hope I inspire someone out there, to be more of themselves and find the time to embrace their expression. 

As I continue on this journey, I’ll do my best to share my experience, offer items I’ve purchased to help make my life easier, and hope that it all helps! 

If you’ve read this far, please leave a comment ! It lets me know someone is listening and inspires me to keep creating! 

Stay tuned for more updates, and I hope to see you at the next event! 


P.S What do you think of my new hair? 

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